It is very common in our society to associate or see the word ethics as a synonym of the word morals, but in occultism and esotericism both words have a completely different meaning.
The word "ethics" comes from the Greek root ethos = way of doing or acquiring things; and refers to the way in which a person chooses to act in life by his or her own conviction and not by imposition of others, be it another person, a group, his or her family environment or society in general.
The word "moral" comes from the Latin moralis = custom and refers to the way in which a person chooses or is forced to act in life by imposition, coercion or fear of the will or opinion of others, be it another person, a group, his or her family environment or society in general.
A conscious initiate acts in accordance with his personal ethics and assumes full responsibility for the consequences of his actions. Most unconscious individuals and initiates tend to act in accordance with the morals of others and are characterized by shirking responsibility for the consequences of their actions.
The Awakening of Awareness
Among the many tools that The Line of Santiago of The Western Initiatic Chain uses to help its adepts in the awakening of their consciousness is the work of analysis and understanding of their own nature, which they must carry out by means of self-knowledge through the study of the particular archetypes that make up their personality.
However, this is a work that few dare to do, because it requires an irreducible ethic and an unshakable faith in God and in oneself, which allows us to courageously face all the vicissitudes of life, without bending or yielding to those who want to subjugate us and enslave us to their will.
"When we fear someone
it is because we have
given that someone
power over us."
Herman Hesse
Swiss poet, novelist and painter
Conscious initiate
The courage of the initiate
The word courage (from the Latin cor = heart) means something that comes from the deepest part of the heart. But courage has two types of manifestations, the first refers to the ability to face fear, adversity, danger or difficult situations with courage, even if we feel fear.
The second is the feeling of anger, resentment, hatred, envy or resentment that a person may have deep in his or her heart and that usually arises when that person lacks the courage to face his or her fears, adversities, dangers or difficult situations.
A conscious initiate will never feel exacerbated anger, much less rancor, hatred, envy or resentment, for whatever dangers or adversities may lie in wait or come his way, he will always face them with courage and be able to recognize his mistakes, even if this means risking his life or exposing himself to shame, dishonor, opposition or social discredit, and even to economic consequences or social reprisals.
One of the greatest examples of the courage of conscious initiates is found in the life and work of the Master Jesus, the Khrist, immortalized in the figure of the rampant lion, symbol of the leadership and courage of the royal line of King David in exile, most of whom were persecuted and killed in an unsuccessful attempt to exterminate them for their rebellious and invincible attitude.
It is well known that at the crucifixion of the Master a sign reading "Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews - INRI" was hung above his head, but far from being an act of mockery, it was actually an act of recognition by Pontius Pilate, the fifth prefect of the Roman province of Judea, who knew for certain that Jesus was the rightful heir to the throne of Judah and not his paternal uncle, the usurper Herod (the Great).
At that time (and still today) the symbol of the House of Judah was the passing lion, a figure that in occultism represented a submissive people living in a state of passivity with fear, resentment and bitterness, awaiting the courageous Messiah Redeemer. It is worth mentioning for the sake of truth and occult tradition that the true symbol of the House of Judah is a lion cub, which would give a better understanding of the true symbolism of this royal house.
The passante lion, symbol of the kingdom of Judah
The lion rampant, symbol of the royal line of King David (in exile)
One of the elders said to me, "Stop weeping, for now the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has overcome! He can open the scroll and the seven seals."
Revelation 5:1-14
The path of self-awareness
In modern times, we can see examples of courage in self-confident initiates such as South African politician, lawyer and anti-racial segregation activist Nelson Mandela (Madiba), who led that country from 1994 to 1999 and became its first black president elected in free and universal elections.
Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years under apartheid on charges of treason; upon his release from prison and winning the presidency of his country, many feared that his imprisonment had instilled in him feelings of hatred and revenge against the white population, but against all odds, during his tenure he fostered and achieved national reconciliation.
Historians say that during his long years in prison, Nelson Mandela kept a short poem by the English poet William Ernest Henley, entitled Invictus, which he memorized and whose verses served as spiritual guidance and comfort during his imprisonment.
Invictus (2009), an excellent film by American filmmaker Clint Eastwood, masterfully captures the level of awareness that Nelson Mandela acquired during his imprisonment.
The Invincible
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
As Herman Hesse rightly says, "If we fear someone it is because we have given him power over us", and this usually happens because that person knows our weaknesses well and has found a way to manipulate us to do his will; but an initiate who chooses to know himself learns to master his weaknesses and turn them into strengths to become invincible.
Many unconscious initiates live in resentment, feeling misunderstood, betrayed, excluded, blaming family, friends, bosses, rulers or society for their bad situation, but in reality it is because they have not had the courage to realize that they alone are responsible for their life and their actions.
A conscious initiate, like a rampant lion, rises, fights and wins because he would rather die with his head held high than succumb to the slavery of passivity created by fear, hatred and resentment.
In our next article I will address this topic: The Cyclical Future and the Age of Aquarius.
Prof. Publio S. Colmenares B.