In a previous article, when I referred to the three initiatory and traditional lines of the West established by the Master Jesus, the Khrist (Christ), I mentioned that the line of his apostolic successors was also called the Royal Genealogy of the Envoys. In other words, a priest and initiate of the Melkizedek (Melkizedec) order is also a person of royal blood.

Unfortunately, the true concept of royalty and nobility has been lost in time, and for this reason it is necessary to explain here many commonly used terms that have a different meaning in occultism and esotericism than is accepted today, otherwise one cannot understand what the true initiatory tradition is.

What does it mean to have royal or noble blood?

In the occult and esoteric tradition, royalty refers to the lineage of initiates, conscious or unconscious, who have the gift and power to rule or reign over reality because they are able to distinguish well between the real and the illusory; the proper activation of the Khristic (Christic) seed in an initiate is the way to preserve the royal lineage in society and is the only way to ensure the continuity of conscious royalty.

When initiates exercise their ministry as priests, they are called to govern the invisible reality, and as part of their inner vision they develop the gift of prophecy; and when they exercise their ministry as kings, they are called to govern the visible reality, and as part of their inner vision they develop the gift of justice and solidarity.

What does it mean to be a Patriarch or a King?

An initiate at the head of the invisible royal succession is called a Patriarch, and one at the head of the visible royal succession is called a King. A patriarch or a king is the last of his ancestors and the head of his line of succession. In both cases, they must have the active power to radiate in order to be effective and valid in awakening the Khristic (Christic) seed in others, either by ordaining a priest or priestess, a knight or a royal lady.

Etymologically, the word patriarch comes from the Greek patria = ancestor and archô = to be the first; this means that a person is the head of the line of succession if he or she is the last living ancestor. The word king comes from the Latin Rex, which in turn comes from the Indo-European root Reg (to go straight, to lead in a straight line), that is, to rule correctly or legitimately. It follows that being a bishop or prince does not mean that one will reach the hierarchy of patriarch or king in the future, since for that the successor or heir must necessarily be the first in the line of succession.

An initiate priest who is both bishop and patriarch is hierarchically above an initiate who is king; but I must warn you that I always refer to ancient royalty and not to modern or contemporary royalty, because in reality some royal lineages are preserved today by biological transmission; but due to the lack of proper training in childhood and youth, few of their members manage to awaken their Khristic (Christic) Consciousness.

Why is it difficult for the present royal lineages to awaken Khristic (Christic) Consciousness?

The lack of initiatic, occult and esoteric training of royalty, who in the past were prepared from a very early age for the great responsibility they had to assume as rulers of a country, has caused their degeneration over time.

What was the traditional education of the children of initiates and kings in ancient times?

In ancient times, the personality of the children of initiates and kings was studied from the moment of their birth in order to know the archetypal psychic behavior with which they were born, and from this knowledge they were given special training so that they could harmoniously balance their behavior. They were also helped to discover their calling so that they could be fulfilled in it.

On the other hand, when the time came for them to marry, they were also given an initiatory training that would allow them to achieve a balance in their relationships so that they would be harmonious and lasting in time. In this way, when the children arrived, the couple would be prepared to give each one the appropriate formation, knowing and accepting them as they were, and helping them in the search for their true vocation, just as their parents and teachers had done with them. In this way, by conscience and not by imposition, the royal and priestly lineages were preserved in the past.

An important clarification

I do not want to end this article without clarifying why we always use the terms Khrist, Khristic, Melkizedek, Kabala, etc. with a K and not a C. This is simply our way of distinguishing the commonly used concept of these words from the concept we use in The Line of Saint James.

In our next article, we will continue to explore the close relationship between priesthood and initiatory kingship in the work of the order of Melkizedek.

Prof. Publio S. Colmenares B.