Before getting into this very interesting subject, I need to explain two terms that I use all the time in these articles, but have not yet defined in the way we treat them in The Western Initiatory Chain.
These are the terms occultism and esotericism; the former, in summary, is a knowledge that is forbidden to superficial thinking, so that those who are inclined to think very superficially will never be able to penetrate it, what happens to most human beings.
The second term refers to the acquisition of personal experience as a product of putting into practice the occult knowledge that has been penetrated.
What is the future?
Future (futurum) is a word that comes from Latin and Greek and means: that which is to be or to exist. But to be and to exist do not mean the same thing, although it is common to think of them as synonyms. To be is something eternal, without beginning or end, while to exist is something finite and perishable, that is, what exists is something periodic or that lasts for a certain period of time. Or, to be even clearer, everything that begins to exist, after a certain period of time, it must necessarily die or cease to exist.
But there is more, because existence and materialization are also two different things, although many use them as synonyms, for example, let's say we have deep feelings and desires for something or someone, but for some reason we don't want to express or fulfill them, or it's not convenient for us to do so; So these feelings or desires have no chance of materializing unless we decide to express them and act on them. That is, of course, if they are not illusory or fanciful.
Therefore, the future can exist but not materialize; or, on the contrary, it can be finite and transitory or infinite and permanent. For this reason, occultism and esotericism consider two types of future, the natural cyclic and the psychocyclic or human. The former we cannot modify, the latter we can, but usually in a partial and limited way, whether we do it consciously or unconsciously.
The cyclical future occurs as a result of the natural laws and processes that operate in the universe to ensure its perfect functioning; some of these laws and processes are now known to both science and the general public, but there are other laws and processes that are still unknown or, if known, only partially understood.
The psycho-cyclic Future is practically unknown to science and to the uninitiated, because in it the universal laws are mixed with the will and free will of the human being, which is nothing more than the result of the correct or incorrect exercise of the gift of discernment. Therefore, some natural cycles can be, and are, altered by the conscious or unconscious exercise of our free will, and in this way we set in motion other natural psychocyclic processes, the best known of which, but not necessarily understood, is the so-called painful Karma or compensation.
The past, present and cyclical future as one and the same infinite event.
The desire to know what will happen in the future is innate in every human being, and initiates have always mastered this knowledge by studying the laws of nature and their influence on the human personality. And as we will see later, everything in nature is cyclical, and therefore the duration of any natural cycle that does not interact with human will is completely predictable and calculable in the present (what is happening), in the past (what has happened), and in the future (what will happen).
Human beings are therefore subject to the influence of certain natural cycles, individually or collectively, whether we like it or not; And the initiates who are dedicating themselves to the knowledge and understanding of this knowing can prepare themselves to adequately face its effects and consequences, but not to avoid them, since the fulfillment of a natural cycle cannot be avoided.
The Psycho-Cyclic or Hybrid Future
An example of how the psychocyclic or hybrid future works is the human being, who is subject to an existence cycle of 120 years, but very few can complete it, because this cycle is constantly modified by the actions and omissions that we provoke in him, both consciously and unconsciously.
The Cycle of Human Existence
Our cycle of existence is divided into 20 periods of 6 years each; and although some claim that these periods are seven years, our tradition teaches that the seventh day, or day of rest, is actually the beginning of the next period. In other words, every six years our organism undergoes a transformation that allows it to adapt to its physical, mental and spiritual development, which grows and evolves with the passage of time.
For this reason, each year that follows the end of a period of our cycle of existence is very important, because it means a period of serenity and reflection; attitudes that are very necessary to be able to adapt correctly to the changes that begin in the new period.
We will see, for example, that after the sixth year of existence (6), when the child enters the seventh year (7), it must adapt not only to new emotions and desires, but also to new ways of thinking and understanding, which are reflected and somatized in its organism, which also grows in stature.
Then this process of internalization and manifestation is repeated cyclically at 13, 19, 25 years, and so on, until we finally reach 120 (121) years - the end of the natural cycle of existence or death - where a change of state occurs, subject to a major cycle called the Evolutionary Cycle of Consciousness, which is also variable because it can and does sometimes occur prematurely, thus creating a karmic future. In any case, at the conclusion of the cycle, naturally or prematurely, we await a new cycle to come.
These years or periods of adjustment are very important for initiates because they allow them to reflect and evaluate what they have done so far, and their results serve to correct or strengthen the course if necessary.
In our next article, we will continue with this topic and talk about What is the Karmatic Future?
Prof. Publio S. Colmenares B.